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Gold That Lingers – AJ WIRTH

I can't forget all the things that you say
Lies upon lies I am walking away
Sand is still falling transparent I see
Time has run out
There's no more you and me

I am light
And as much as you try to cover
My brilliance will hover
And not just as a phenomenal lover

So now
With my feet firmly planted
Deep roots to my standing
I've demanded
And speaking of which
I have a confession to make
Because in truth
It's not God I will forsake
My soul you cannot break
Because my gift is bigger than you
All this passion I pursue
Is not enough for you to hold my breasts
And guess
And leave me left
With gold that wraps that finger
To linger
Without being able to see how
You'll never let me be free

I'd like to let you touch me and make everything all better
But we both know
That's not what can keep us together
I loved on you

You left me naked and empty of me
So I started learning the meaning of free
Called upon daydreams of life's fantasy
Found every blessing that's waited for me
There's no more you and me

Instead of using the power between my thighs
See me soul through my eyes
As I'm exposing the lies
I apologize
I'm in love with someone else
I've fallen in love with someone
Who's been standing right in front you all this time
I've fallen in love with someone you've never been able to see

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